Crops Without Soil (Hydroponics)
Pulpi, Spain
An early-morning drive through the misty Sierra Nevada mountains brought us to Pulpi, Spain and Donald Gartland at New Growing System (NGS). We were intensely curious to tour their installations. NGS effectively removes soil from the farming equation and minimizes water usage through outdoor open-field and greenhouse hydroponics. Donald guided us through open-field lettuce, experimental indoor dragon fruit (pitaya), and multi-tiered indoor strawberry systems (photos below).
Their systems use a fraction of water compared to traditional in-ground cropping. With freshwater scarcity becoming a growing global concern, agriculture production is threatened in many of the regions we’ve toured. Conversion to hydroponic systems can offer significant benefit, as an innovation that allows growers to farm no matter how bad their soil conditions are, even in reduced water scenarios. Many growers may potentially have to make the decision - do I farm outside or indoors?
Systems like this, combined with Cloudseed Inc. crop recommendations, enable new crop variety options that growers may never have considered. We’re optimistic for the future.
Open Field Hydroponics
Dragon Fruit
Vertical Strawberries